Monday, April 16, 2012

Great Review from 21 Days

I wanted to send out a big thank you to book reviewer 21 Days for their kind words about Lost in the Bayou.

Here it is...

I'd heard a lot about this book and finally got to it on my TBR Kindle list. Well, I was not disappointed and ended up enjoying it a heck of a lot more than I even expected to! Uncle Conrad is the best villain to come down the pike in forever! I'd love to see him get his own book series in fact. This is a wonderful, thrilling, fast paced read and one that I recommend for sure to a YA/middle grade reader but kids of all ages will enjoy it. The bayou setting lends an air of mystery and danger as well! But watch out for Uncle Conrad.

Lost in the Bayou linked to Barnes & Noble

If you've been waiting to make a purchase at Barnes and Noble, now may be the best time ever. They're offering a $25 Gift Card to anyone who makes a new purchase. Or, $50 worth of coupons. So, if you'd like to purchase Lost in the Bayou, or Cannibal Island, or any other book you'd like to read, now may be the perfect opportunity to do so and walk away like a bandit.

Here's a link if you'd like to check it out: BARNES & NOBLE
