Wednesday, May 23, 2012

How About a Freebie on Memorial Day ?

As a writer and a veteran, I'm honored to participate in this Memorial Day event. In case you haven't read Lost in the Bayou, and haven't had the displeasure of meeting Uncle Conrad, I should tell you that he is a veteran of the Korean War. (I believe the government referred to it as a police action rather than a war.) 

But Conrad can tell you that they had hand grenades in Korea, just like in a real war. And that's where his problems began. But you'll have to read the book to get the full picture of what happened. And that's easy to do. Read on to learn how.

To celebrate Memorial Day, to thank all the veterans for their service, and to make it more rewarding for the loyal readers of this blog, I'm giving away a copy of Lost in the Bayou. If you're just so excited that you can't wait for the contest and you have to read it right now, you can do that, too, just by clicking HERE. And if you've already read it (thank you!) you can always pick up your copy of Cannibal Island right HERE.

All you need to do to enter is use the form below and follow the easy-breezy instructions. You can actually enter three times if you wish and have three times the odds of winning! And once you finish doing that, click the icon below and head on to the next blog to see what's in store for you there.

a Rafflecopter giveaway
